Paper records can have errors, intentional or accidental. DNA never lies. Your family tree may have some incorrect connections, as much as 10%. Find out how to use DNA to validate all the connections in your tree and how to break through some brick walls to extend your family.
"The Adopted, the Illegitimate and DNA"
We’ll walk through a process using autosomal DNA to identify biological parents and missing family tree links. This is an intermediate DNA presentation that combines many beginner steps. It takes tradition genealogy, DNA and little detective work to help an adoptee find their biological parents. We’ll use all of our skills to build family trees, sort DNA into family lines and contact the right cousins to break through the obstacles. The process also works for an illegitimate ancestor or can help with other brick walls in the past 5 to 6 generations.
"Mapping Your Tribe: Where did you come from?"
You know where your family comes from. Now what? DNA testing companies do a terrific job describing the ancestral origins of haplogroups going back over 10,000 years. How did your tribe get from point A to point B and what history did they make along the way?
"Genetic Genealogy: Adding DNA to your Toolkit"
We’re all cousins! Genetic genealogy can tell us just how closely we are related. It involves the use of DNA testing to determine the level of genetic relationship between individuals. Learn about your deep ancestry or break through brick walls in your genealogy research.
"Adding DNA to Your Entire Family Tree"
Is DNA limited to your immediate paternal or maternal line? You can collect DNA for nearly every surname in your family tree. Techniques for researching family lines that have already had their DNA tested. Walk away with a strategy to connect DNA to your tree.
"Autosomal DNA: Your Genetic Tapestry"
Autosomal DNA tests are becoming very popular and affordable. The results from the testing can help find cousins, determine ethnicity and give an indication of medical conditions that exist within your genes. Don’t settle for the results that you get from the testing companies, dive into your genetic data and find out how to solve adoption or paternity roadblocks or validate your paper trail. Learn how your autosomal testing can weave a larger genealogical story.
"Finding Living Cousins: Being a Genealogy Gumshoe"
Autosomal DNA tests are becoming very popular and affordable. The results from the testing can help find cousins, determine ethnicity and give an indication of medical conditions that exist within your genes. Don’t settle for the results that you get from the testing companies, dive into your genetic data and find out how to solve adoption or paternity roadblocks or validate your paper trail. Learn how your autosomal testing can weave a larger genealogical story.
"Finding Living Cousins: Being a Genealogy Gumshoe"
Most of the time we are looking for ancestors. Sometimes we need to find the living and that can be just as challenging. They may have records that will help your research. You may want to ask them for a DNA sample to help solve a family mystery. Or, you may be trying to return a rare photo or family Bible to a descendant.
my name is Snooks, haplogroup R-FGC5494, closest surname is Appleby, so i have connections in England, Scotland and Ireland. Haplogroup originated in Germany. Many clues but i cant put them together to make a picture.